To make it easier for you to buy school uniform and to reduce costs, we stock our uniform at Nationwide School Uniforms in Spilsby. They stock the full range of school specific items such as P.E. kit, polo-shirts, jumpers, cardigans, fleeces and waterproof coats, book bags and school back-packs; along with general items such as trousers, shorts, skirts and gingham dresses. You are able to purchase directly from their shop, or online at the following link.
Uniform requirements are set out in The School Prospectus, on the website.
School Uniform supplier:
Nationwide School Uniforms, Vale Road Industrial Estate, Spilsby, PE23 5HE
Forest School kits:
Pupils across the school will have a weekly session (during their allocated term) in our Wild at Heart area. When it is your child’s Forest School day please send them into school in old clothing- ideally long sleeved tops and trousers. They should have wellies to change into and waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket (or an all in one suit) and no earrings can be worn.
Little Acorns and Chestnuts will have a weekly Forest School session.