Toynton Primary School is part of the Lincolnshire Children's Safeguarding Board's Junior Online Safety Officer (JOSO) programme, with many other schools in the Kyra East Alliance. Each year we select children from Year 5 and 6 to work alongside other e-safety ambassadors from our partner schools, in order to empower our children at school to be masters of technology, rather than slaves to it.
The LSCB set challenges over the course of this year; together we are spreading the word about keeping safe online to over 1,000 children in all of our schools.
Tips for staying safe online:
There are various online resources available to inform you and your child about the importance of E-safety at home and at school.
Please see some ideas below:
1. CEOP Resources for Teachers - click here.
This website has lots of information and resources for teaching online safety.
2. Professor Garfield. This is an excellent app starring Garfield that teaches children about cyberbullying through a comic and games. It is free to download from the app store for Apple devices from this link. It is not currently available for other devices (e.g. Android).
3. Hector's World - click here.
This is an excellent resource full of online safety information. Aimed at Key Stage 1.
4. KidSmart -click here.
This is a very comprehensive website for learning all aspects of looking after yourself online, such as digital footprints, how to use the internet safely, recommended safe search sites and 'smart rules' for using the internet. Aimed at Key Stage 2.
5. ThinkUKnow - click here.
Clear information about how to use the internet, set out in a very user-friendly way. Aimed at Key Stage 1.
6. ParentInfo - click here.
Launched alongside The Parent Zone, this website provides information for parents on lots of different issues that may be concerning you about your child's welfare. Aimed at parents of children of all ages.
7. Childnet - click here.
A really useful website with lots of important and easy-to-use resources for making the internet safe for children.
8. Parent Zone - click here.
'Making the internet work for families' - launched in partnership with Google, this website has got lots of information and resources to support you and your children in using the internet safely. The Digital Parenting magazine, which has current and previous issues available freely as PDFs on the site, has lots of very useful information and articles inside.
9. BBC Own It - click here.
Lots of videos and quizzes around using technology safely and discussing issues that affect children. Aimed at Key Stage 2.
10. Growing Up Digital - click here.
The Children's Commissioner has created a document called 'Growing Up Digital', which highlights issues and concerns about how children are using the internet, and what can be done to help.
11. Digital Literacy - click here.
SWGfL have created this collection of digital literacy resources for all age groups.
12. Safer Internet - click here.
This site collects resources, links, research and guidance for all ages, including parents.