
ToyntonAll Saints Primary School


Welcome toToyntonAll Saints Primary School


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


On behalf of the Governors of Toynton All Saints Primary School, I would like to offer a warm welcome to parents, carers, children and their families. 


The school ensures that each child is nurtured and supported in their academic learning, development as individuals and understanding of local and national communities. All of our governors are approachable and are always happy to speak and to listen. We look forward to meeting you within our friendly school community.


Lizzy Heafield

Chair of Governors



We are currently recruiting for New Governors

Please contact the Chair of governors or call the school office for further details. 01790 752242


About the Governance:

Governing bodies are the strategic decision-makers and vision-setters in every school. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education for every child, by creating robust accountability for school leaders. 


Our Governing Body has 3 core functions supported by a School Development Plan:

  1.  Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of staff. 
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that the money is well spent. 


We have a Governing Body that meets 6 times each year, and The Resources committee who meet 3 times a year. The focus of the Resources committee involves finance, staffing, safety and the buildings and grounds of the school. Our main meetings cover items such as learning and teaching in the school, safeguarding, special educational needs and disabilities.


Our Instrument of Governance is

  • Co-opted Governors (4 in number)
  • Parent Governors (3 in number)
  • Staff Governors (2 in number, one of whom is the Head Teacher in an ex officio role)
  • Local Authority Governor (LA) (1 in number)


Special duties are then assigned to each member of the Governing Body. 

These Special Duties are:


  • Child Protection
  • Premises
  • Finance
  • Foundation Stage
  • Governor Visits
  • Resources
  • Standards (Core Subjects)
  • Health And Safety
  • Link Governor
  • Curriculum
  • SEND
  • ICT Upgrade


The Governors of Toynton All Saints Primary School pride themselves in their professionalism and upon their approachability. If you have any concerns regarding the school, please first contact The Head Teacher. If this is unsuccessful, then please feel free to contact The Chair of Governors at the address below.


The full postal address is:

Toynton All Saints Primary School
Main Road
Toynton All Saints
PE23 5AQ


Alternatively you can ask the Clerk to Governors, to schedule a time for a private interview. 01790 752242

The current governors and their special responsibilities are listed below:
